Current News Category - Any - UCT-HARVARD MANDELA FELLOWSHIPS – 2025 What an integrated student journey should look like: Indaba revisits foundations Welcome to the Centre for Higher Education Development Interim Dean bows out with warm message to his successor and colleagues Appointment of Dean: Centre for Higher Education Development MMUF Artjamming team builder UCT–Harvard Mandela Fellowships 2022 One-of-a-kind teacher wins 2021 Stella Clark Teachers’ Award Alan Cliff shares his views on the impact of the pandemic on higher education In remembrance: Gadija Arend COVID-19 Kasturi Behari-Leak is the new ICED President-elect Careers Service wins big at SAGEA Awards Festival showcases an array of career-development and job-finding events UCT job expo an epic success ‘Pillar of strength’ wins 2019 Stella Clark award Sewing Business Ideas UCT entrepreneurs tops in SA Changing Lives One Step at a Time Impact through entrepreneurship Careers Service wins big at SAGEA Awards UCT in global top 100 for graduate employability 'PILLAR OF STRENGTH' WINS STELLA CLARKE AWARD Warm welcome for historic Khoekhoegowab language course UCT starts indigenous course Charmza Madiba Celebrating student entrepreneurs UCT adds Khoekhoegowab to its language courses Five things I learnt at d-school Fostering multilingualism on campus Teaching and Learning Report Writing Centre gets new home sweet home Opportunity alone does nothing – Phakeng Fourth UCT degree for EMS director Higher education research results via MOOC UNESCO Chair for ‘open education’ professor UNESCO Chair for 'open education' professor in CHED UNESCO Chair for 'open education' professor in CHED Journeys in research writing New MOOC: The Unbundled University, the Market and Digital Technology MOOC pursues dignity for disabled learners Bumper Summer School for 2019 Summer School, 2019: Focus on SA’s apartheid-era spies What South Africa's matric pass rate means for universities Formal courses in higher education teaching and learning Unbundling and Rebundling Higher Education in an Age of Inequality Opening up access to knowledge Gearing up for exams Rethinking university rankings: we need to talk about quality (and inequality) of teaching Mini Summer School primes future students Mini Summer School primes future students Writing pathways: a network of writing courses and resources Finuala Dowling on tour So long, but not goodbye Epic opportunities at Job Expo Academics conflicted by blended learning during protests Adopt Mbembe’s ‘pedagogies of presence’ – Lis Lange Programmes at the HPI d-school at UCT Translanguaging: Facilitating multilingual teaching Collaborating and partnering for change Munich study trip for 100UP protégé CILT celebrates strides in digital education MOOC-Takers Research Project New Mellon Mays undergrad cohort Unsung Hero Wins 2018 Stella Clark Teachers' Award Unsung Hero Wins 2018 Stella Clark Teachers' Award ROER4D wins Open Data Award UCT Mellon scholar awarded prestigious scholarship to Cambridge Research Data Management webinar UCT Careers Services co-organisers of global summit Accents film launch 100 students make a summer (school) Special Report: Open Educational Resources CHED staffers recipients of the Collaborative Educational Practice awards LSE–UCT JULY SCHOOL 2018 Join the fun at Summer School Trending and topical: Summer School is here Extra-Mural Studies launches Summer School 2018 Bangeni & Kapp's new book Emeritus Prof. Ian Scott on Education in South Africa The Decolonial Turn: Is CHED there yet? Writing Your World MOOC launch 9th Annual Celebrating Health Sciences Education (CHSE) Conference, 2017 Stella Clark award winners CHED says goodbye to Gay Tyler Tea with Pam - rich insights into Research The end of South African universities? HELTASA ICED & CHED China Conferences CHED 2017 blanket drive for Mandela CHED academics take the Chair at prominent national educator organizations Unbundling and Rebundling: Contested Terrain in Higher Education - keynote at CSCL2017 Dr Janice McMillan seconded to position of Acting Coordinator Social Responsiveness School-leaving and university entrance assessments in explaining performance in Engineering studies New paper about the NBTs published Winter School 2017 New Academics' Transitions Regional Colloquium ADP website is live NBT-by-numbers Teaching at the nexus of development and education - Dr Janice McMillan receives DTA 2016 First Year Experience Project Website goes live