Msakha Mona
Introduction (Translanguaging)
Msakha Mona ufundzisa ngekutfutfukiswa kwelulwimi, kantsi wafundzisa emikhakheni lehlukahlukene lefaka ekhatsi Timfundvo Tekusakata neKuchumana, Timfundvo Temidlalo Yelishashalati. Lo waMona uphindze abe ngusobuciko ikakhulukati kutemculo nelishashalati. Msakha uneshisakalo yetebulungiswa netemtsetfo locotfo lohambisana nemfundvo nebuciko. Msakha uvulavula tindzimi ta lani Afrika Dzonga totlula 8, na ari kudyondzeni katingwana tindzimi. Lomjita ugela-gelezile. Masters yeAfrican Studies izwakele, kanti kwa nou usabangena nge PhD ibhekana nalezok’ decolonaiza boma-curriculum. Fede naku-National Commision for UNESCO uzwakele – zikhipa boma-committee member.
Introduction (English)
Msakha Mona is a Lecturer in the Language Development Group, and he has a multidisciplinary teaching background across Media Studies, African Studies, Cultural and Heritage Studies, Drama among others. Msakha is a performing artists, with a focus on music and storytelling. His practice and research interest include decoloniality and social justice through education and arts. As a translanguaging practitioner and scholar, Msakha works through over 8 South African languages, while also learning other languages. Msakha is a member of the South African National Commission for UNESCO, Culture Sector Committee. His PhD research looks at the question of social justice and decoloniality and curriculum, and his qualifications include a MPhil in African Studies.
Selected Publications
Mona, M. 2019. ‘Opening Up Academic Citizenship for Students from Previously Excluded Groups: The Case of a Foundation Course at the University of Cape Town’. In Hazama, I et al (Eds). In Citizenship in Motion: South African and Japanese scholars in conversation. pp.317-342. Langaa RPCIG, 2019,
Hurst, E & Mona, M. 2017 Translanguaging' as a socially just pedagogy’ in Education as Change Vol 21. Pp-126-148. On-line version ISSN 1947-9417
Mona, M. . Socio-cultural Relevancy and Inclusivity in Academic Development in an “Afropolitan” University: An analysis of DOH1009F at the University of Cape Town. Cape Town. University of Cape Town
Selected Artistic Outputs
Director, writer and performer, Kulani Arts Project (2022):
Writer and Performer, Muhluri naXimbutana:
Writer and Perfomer, Azania (May 2022):