The Multilingualism Education Project (MEP) was launched in 2005 following the approval of the University’s Language Policy and Plan by Senate and Council.The University Language Policy takes as its starting point the need to prepare students to participate fully in a multilingual society, where multilingual proficiency and awareness are essential. The Project is hosted by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED) and is managed by a Senate Language Policy Committee chaired by a Deputy Vice Chancellor or nominee.
MEP Objectives
To ensure the consolidation of existing multilingual and language development projects.
To ensure the development of appropriate multilingual materials in the curriculum in order to support students for whom English is a second language;
To ensure the development of communicative, workplace-orientated courses in Afrikaans and isiXhosa for staff and students;
To promote the intellectualisation of Xhosa and other relevant indigenous African languages for use in different academic disciplines.
To meet these objectives the following Projects have been initiated:
IsiXhosa Communication Skills courses for staff and students
IsiXhosa and Afrikaans for Law (to be extended to Commerce, Science, Social Work and Engineering Faculties)
Multilingual Signage
Multilingual Concept Literacy Glossaries
We invite you to visit the rest of the site to learn about the Multilingual Education project.