ukhuphiswano lwesixhosa

IsiXhosa Literary and Performance Competition

The Multilingualism Education Project (MEP) is running an IsiXhosa Literary and Performance Competition as part of the university's language development plan. This 2024 edition of this competition is accepting poetry and monologue entries.
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Prof Makhubu-Badenhorst presenting on DHET NLPFPHEIs UCDP to implement institutional policies


In 2023, the University of Cape Town (UCT), like all other 26 public universities in South Africa, successfully applied for the funds to align its language policy with the NLPFPHEIs. MEP submitted the UCT language development plan for UCT.
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In 2023, the University of Cape Town (UCT), like all other 26 public universities in South Africa, successfully applied for the funds to align its language policy with the NLPFPHEIs. MEP submitted the UCT language development plan for UCT.

Mechanical Engineering IsiXhosa Glossary Launch

The University of Cape Town (UCT) has introduced the Mechanical Engineering isiXhosa Glossary, which was launched by the Centre for Higher Education Development’s (CHED) Multilingualism Education Project (MEP) on 2 November.

USAf supported Language Resources Audit at UCT

The University of Cape Town (UCT) was lauded for its commitment to multilingualism, including teaching/learning of African languages, at a recent Universities South Africa (USAf)-supported Language Resources Audit.

USAf supported Language Resources Audit

MEP staff are preparing for the USAf supported language resources audit coordinated by SADiLaR on the 31st of July 2023. UCT is one of the 26 universities participating in the audit.

International Mother Language Day

21 February is International Mother Language Day. This day is celebrated and commemorated annually around the world for the promotion, preservation and revitalisation of the languages of all people around the world.