Tutor training for quantitative literacy
The Numeracy Centre employs post-graduates in various faculties as part-time tutors. The tutors play varied roles in the Centre such as facilitating classroom tutorials and workshops, running computer laboratory sessions, marking, testing of computer tutorials, etc.
Tutoring a QL course can be demanding for an inexperienced teacher and differs in many ways from what is required of tutors in traditional mathematics courses. At the beginning of the academic year the Numeracy Centre runs an intensive week-long training course for QL tutors. The training aims to communicate to tutors the goals and educational values of the Centre and to provide tutors with a safe and supportive environment in which they can practise and get feedback on their teaching. The training also deals with topics such as facilitating computer-based learning, reflective practice and assessment. Each year, the tutor feedback on this training is very positive.
Post-graduate students who are interested in knowing more about tutoring in the Numeracy Centre should contact Nomphelo.Lungisa@uct.ac.za.
(Applications for tutor positions are usually requested by the end of the second semester.)