Curriculum development for quantitative literacy.

We offer advice to staff on how to integrate quantitative literacy provision into their courses and assist them to develop appropriate curriculum materials. We also offer interventions in the form of workshops and computer tutorials.

The Numeracy Centre has the goal of promoting the development of the quantitative literacy of students studying in various disciplines across the University. This is in accordance with the university policy expressed in the Concept Paper ‘Enhancing the quality and profile of UCT graduates' in the Action Step 2.2:

"We will seek opportunities within existing curricula to strengthen the basic ‘literacies' - academic, quantitative and information - both as a means of improving learning capacity and as a contribution to informed citizenship."

For this reason the Numeracy Centre staff aim to work with staff in the various disciplines to assist them first to recognize and characterize the quantitative literacy challenges that their courses present, then to design interventions within the context of the disciplinary teaching, to promote the development of the appropriate quantitative literacy in the students.

We also aim to contribute to the design of the overall curriculum to ensure that graduates will all have experienced sufficient quantitative literacy development in their degree.

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