Jacob Jaftha
Jacob Jaftha is a senior lecturer in the Numeracy Centre with the technology portfolio as major responsibility. He has interest in computer supported teaching and learning, in particular how technology supports the provision of adaptive feedback in mathematically oriented courses. His mathematical research interests are operator theory and functional analysis, and in particular singular systems and multi-valued maps. Email: Jacob.Jaftha@uct.ac.za |
Sheena Rughubar-Reddy
Sheena Rughubar-Reddy has been in the Numeracy Centre since 2004. During various periods over the years she has been involved in development or teaching of numerous courses and interventions offered by the Centre. Currently she convenes the Quantitative Literacy for Humanities and Quantitative Literacy for Social Sciences courses and teaches on interventions offered to students in the Health Science Faculty. Her research interest deals with issues of social justice and quantitative literacy/ mathematical literacy. e-mail: Sheena.Rughubar-Reddy@uct.ac.za |
Nomphelo Lungisa
Nomphelo Lungisa is the Numeracy Centre's administrative assistant and handles communications with students, tutors and other parts of the university administration. She is responsible for various administrative tasks including managing tutor payments, processing data and helping with preparing teaching materials. Email: Nomphelo.Lungisa@uct.ac.za |
Renee Rix
Renee Rix is a lecturer in the Numeracy Centre. She teaches quantitative literacy to undergraduate students from various faculties (predominantly Humanities). Prior to joining the Numeracy in 2015, she taught high school mathematics. Her teaching interest lies in supporting students to understand deeply whatever quantitative material they are presented with, whether that be pure mathematics or numerical information in context. Her research focuses on the pedagogy of mathematics support courses for first year students.
Email: renee.rix@uct.ac.za
Duncan Mhakure
Duncan Mhakure joined the Numeracy Centre at the beginning of 2009. His professional and academic background is located in Mathematics Education. Currently his main responsibilities in the Numeracy Centre include lecturing and administration of Quantitative Literacy courses in the Faculties of Health Sciences and Humanities. Duncan's areas of research foci are: Quantitative Literacy, Mathematical Literacy and Mathematics Education. Email: Duncan.Mhakure@uct.ac.za |
Jumani Clarke
Jumani Clarke is a lecturer in the Numeracy Centre. He teaches quantitative literacy in undergraduate mathematics courses for students from various faculties (Law, Humanities, Health Science), where students ability to apply numerical reasoning in context is developed. He also contributes to the Numeracy Centre's teaching with technology, where students are introduced to the analysis and summary of quantitative information with spreadsheets (Excel). Jumani has master's degrees in mathematics and development studies from UCT. Email: Jumani.Clarke@uct.ac.za |
Muzi Manzini
Muzi Manzini became part of the Numeracy Centre family late in 2014. Before joining the Numeracy Centre he taught Mathematics at the LEAP Science and Maths School of Excellence, wherein he also served as the Mathematics department’s HOD. His academic research interests lies in Computational Finance and Quantitative Literacy. Currently, Muzi serves as a lecturer in the Numeracy Centre and teaches Quantitative Literacy courses to students from the Humanities faculty.
Email: Muzi.Manzini@uct.ac.za
Michelle Henry
Michelle Henry joined the Numeracy Centre in 2015. Currently she convenes the Numbers in Humanities course for Extended Degree students, and teaches on the Quantitative Literacy for Social Sciences and interventions offered to students in the Health Science Faculty. Her background is in Psychology, and her research interests focus mainly on stress and cognition, sleep and well-being, and memory and learning.
Email: M.Henry@uct.ac.za
Muzikayise Sikhonde |
Muzikayise Edward Sikhonde is an (n GAP) lecturer in the Numeracy Centre since September 2019. He is currently completing his Ph.D. in applied mathematics at UCT specializing in Cosmology. Before this position, he has lectured at UNISA in the Mathematics department, and he taught Introductory Astronomy and Relativity theory. His research interests are in applied mathematics and teaching quantitative skills. |