ADP Presentation to NAPP

30 Jan 2017
Mariam Bardien in action at NAPP 2017
Mariam Bardien in action at NAPP 2017
30 Jan 2017

The New Academic Practitioners’ Programme (NAPP) run by the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT) provides opportunities for new academics at UCT to develop as educators, researchers and members of the university community. ADP participated in the residential part of the programme that took place from 25 to 27 January at the Mont Fleur Conference Centre close to Stellenbosch. The team of four did a presentation to introduce new colleagues to ADP’s different units and to share some of our insights into students’ academic, cultural and psychosocial needs at UCT and how lecturing staff can accommodate and respond to these needs. We emphasised that ADP has resources to offer ALL undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as lecturing staff, and welcomed participants to approach us in the future for conversations, comments and collaborations. In the picture below, from left to right, are Mariam Bardien (Commerce EDU), Bongi Bangeni (Language Development Group), Ermien van Pletzen (ADP Director), and Riashna Sithaldeen (Science ADP).