Dr Benita Moolman

Programme Manager

Dr Benita Moolman is the Programme Manager of the Global Citizenship Programme. Her primary responsibilities include teaching, research, funding and management. She has worked at the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) as a post-doc and Senior Research Specialist for the past 8 years. Benita’s experience combines strong project management, research, and strategic planning. Her interests are located at the ‘praxis of decoloniality and social justice shaped through a transdisciplinary lens that enables us to link disciplinary approaches, community engagement and promote a sense of connectedness across social solidarities’. Her teaching has included work in both higher education and civil society. Previously Benita worked as the Training Co-ordinator and Manager at Rape Crisis; and as a Social Worker at NICRO. Benita holds a B. Social Sciences (social work UCT), an MPhil (Women and Gender studies, UWC) and a D. Phil in Geography, with a designated emphasis on feminist theory and research (UCDavis). Benita has published widely in the areas of masculinities and gender based violence, and is currently working on 2 book projects linked to these topics.


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles 
Moolman, B. (2017) Negotiating authority as a form of power through intersecting discourses of culture and modernity in South African Masculinities, NORMA: International Journal of Masculinities

Moolman, B. (2015) Carceral Dis/continuities. Masculinities, Male Same Sex Desire, Discipline and Rape in South African Prisons. Gender and Behaviour (IBSS)

Moolman, B. (2013): Rethinking ‘masculinities in transition’ in South Africa considering the ‘intersectionality’ of race, class, and sexuality with gender. African Identities, DOI:10.1080/14725843.2013.775843 (IBSS)

Elaine Salo & Benita Moolman (2013) Biology, bodies and human rights, Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity, 27:4, 3-9 (IBSS)

Moolman, B. (2012) Love in the Time of AIDS: Inequality, Gender and Rights in South Africa by Mark Hunter. Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity, 26:4, 160-163 (IBSS)

Moolman, B (2004).Gang Rape: Reproducing an 'ideal' masculinity on the Cape Flats: Understanding some of the challenges and issues for redress, in Agenda, 60, 109-123. (IBSS)

Swartz, S., Deutsch, C., Michel, B., Moolman, B.  Arogundade, E. & Isaacs, D. (2016) Systems and standards for peer education: Lessons from the field. AJAR  [ISI].

Tolla, T., Essop, R., Fluks, L.L., Lynch, I., Makoae, M. & Moolman, B.(2018) Too young to have sex: Conversations with very young adolescents about sex, dating and related decision-making. South African Journal of Child Health (SAJCH). Special Issue:S32-S35.

Timol, F., Vawda, M., Bhana, A., Moolman, B., Makoae, M., and Swartz, S. (2016) Addressing adolescents’ knowledge, attitudes, perception and behaviours related to risky behaviours: Findings from a school-based peer education evaluation in the Western Cape, Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS [ISI]

Book Chapters
Moolman, B. (2015) Ethnography: Exploring methodological nuances in feminist research with incarcerated, sex offenders in Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnographies, editors, Deborah Drake, Rod Earle, Jennifer Sloan. Palgrave MacMillan

Moolman, B. (2009). Race and Gender in Feminist Practice: Lessons from Rape Crisis Cape Town in Women’s Activism in South Africa: Working Across the Divides, edited by H. Britton and J. Fish. University of Kwazulu-Natal Press, South Africa.

Non-peer reviewed articles
Relinquishing responsibility: No rehabilitation for sex offenders in prison, HSRC Review Volume 11,1, February 2013

Morison, T., Moolman, B., & Reddy, V. (2015). Beyond the clinic walls: Making sexual and reproductive rights real for marginalised groups. In Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights: Barriers and boundaries. Durban: AIDS Foundation of South Africa.

Policy Briefs

Rarieya, J.; Sanger, N.; and Moolman, B. (2014). Gender inequalities in education in South Africa. HSRC Policy Brief.

Swartz, S and Moolman, B. (2015). Ensuring an optimal environment for peer education in South African Schools: Policy Options for Healthy and Effective Learning. HSRC, Policy Brief.


Conference Presentations and Papers

Local Conference Presentations
Moolman, B. Strangely Familiar: Rethinking Masculinities, sex offending and sexually violent crimes in South Africa. SaVi Conference 2018: Violence Prevention, Safety Promotion and the Sustainable Development Goals

Moolman, B. Gender Based Violence. Morality, masculinities and remorse, Restitution Conference, November, 2016

Moolman, B. Developing Gender Analytical Frameworks. Gender mainstreaming in environmental policies.  Women in the Environment Conference, Department of Environmental Affairs (17-18 August, 2015)

Morison, T., Moolman, B., & Reddy, V. (2015). Beyond the clinic walls: Making sexual and reproductive rights real for marginalised groups. Presented at South African AIDS Conference. 10 June 2015, Durban.

Moolman, B; Evans, M and Ntsepe, Y.  Gender Monitoring and Evaluation, Gender Summit, Africa (28-30 April, 2015) Cape Town International Convention Centre

Moolman, B. Carceral Dis/continuities: Male Same Sex desire, Discipline and rape in South African prisons presented at the African Same Sex Sexualities  and Gender Diversity Conference in Pretoria, SA on the 13-16 February 2011.

Moolman, B. Reframing Sex Offender Masculinities through discourses of culture and modernity. International Association of Sex Offender Treatment, Cape Town, South Africa (August 2008)


International Presentations
Rethinking the Victim Empowerment Program: Sexual minorities, victimisation and (the lack of) state support services, Ending Gender Equalities Conference, Johannesburg, (October 2018)

Mapping Funding for Civil Society Organisations working on Gender Based Violence in South Africa: From Counselling to Prevention, International Conference On Violence Prevention, From Scientific Evidence, (September 2016)

Musical practices, identity and conflicting realities in contemporary South Africa, Struggle and Style Symposium, University of Helsinki, Finland (September, 2014)

‘Undoing’ Masculinities in Hip Hop: In whose interests? Presented at the Global and Local Hip Hop.Jazz and Pop Archives, Helsinki, Finland (September, 2014)

The Politics of Research with Incarcerated Sex Offenders. Feminist Methodological Reflections, paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association in Baltimore, Maryland, 21-24 (November 2013)

Heteronormativity in the practices of sex offenders: Intersections between Feminist and Queer Geographies Conference-July (2008) University of Leeds, UK.