Living at the Southern tip of Africa in a country often labelled as part of the ‘Third World’ we may sometimes forget that we are part of one world. One world, seven continents, and just under 200 countries with a population of over seven billion people who trade, travel, wage war, work the land and the oceans, and who are inextricably linked with one another.
Where do our responsibilities lie: here, at home in South Africa with its huge inequalities? Or ‘out there’, as part of one globe ravaged by continuing exploitation of resources, people and the environment to the benefit of few rather than all? What does it mean to be part of the ‘developing world’? How do we take our place in the world, responsibly and respectful of all living things?
This course aims to help you to find your voice when headlines scream about environmental and human disasters, when public arguments about rights to ownership of local resources and access to international funds threaten to silence you, when as an ‘educated student’ you are asked to answer questions about issues of collective survival and when you want to argue for global justice.
Time commitments and course requirements:
- There are six two-hour class sessions on campus
- These take place on Tuesday's from 5pm - 7pm.
- You are required to complete 3 online activities.
- You are also required to submit a final reflective piece.
Note: GC1 is FREE to all UCT students. It is not credit-bearing, but if you fully complete the course it will appear on your transcript as a short course.