WHAT is the GC Programme about?
The Global Citizenship (GC) programme is not a conventional academic programme. Rather, through a programme of critical debate, voluntary service activities and reflection, GC engages undergraduate students as thoughtful scholars and as citizens with opinions of their own who are keen to learn, think about, critique and respond to key contemporary issues.
HOW many courses are there in the GC Programme?
The GC Programme currently comprises of FOUR short courses and one credit-bearing course within the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment (EBE). The four short courses are Global Debates, Local Voices (GC1), a workshop series; Citizenship & Social Justice: Activism, Service and Social Change (GC2), a community engagement course; Voluntary Community Service (GC3), 50 hours of self-organized community service with a recognised organisation; and Active Citizenship through Deliberation and Dialogue (GC4), a 2018 pilot short course that considers students' interactions with and identity within social justice issues. The credit-bearing course is Social Infrastructures (END1019L), a course on engaging with community for change.
WHO can do the courses?
Although our short courses are open to all UCT students, we recommend that senior undergraduate (2nd year and up) students do it, given the complexity of some of the issues and debates we engage with in the courses. Our credit-bearing course, Social Infrastructures (END1019L), is open to students across ALL FACULTIES, except post-graduate students.
WHEN do the courses run?
- Global Debates, Local Voices (GC1) - TBC
- Citizenship & Social Justice: Activism, Service and Social Change (GC2) - Semester 1 2020
- Voluntary Community Service (GC3) - Whole Year (2020)
- Active Citizenship through Deliberation and Dialogue (GC4) - Semester 2 (2020)
- Social Infrastructures - Winter Term (2020)
Do I have to do ALL the courses?
You can choose to do only one or two of the courses, and they can be done in any order, it is completely up to you.
How much community service do I have to do in the courses?
For Citizenship & Social Justice: Activism, Service and Social Change (GC2), you have to complete at least 10 hours of research on a social justice issue of your interest (including a visit to a civil society or a community based organisation). For Voluntary Community Service (GC3) you have to complete 50 hours of community service throughout the year.