CHED 2017 blanket drive for Mandela

Everyday from 11 to 17 July, staff were invited to CILT to knit squares and beanies to show their support. Even those who had never knitted before were welcomed and learned to knit or loom, which was something new for many who came.
The blanket drive was hosted in partnership with the organisation 67 Blankets and on Mandela day CHED managed to hand over around 40 blankets to the organisation and a number of beanies woven with love. The blankets and beanies were laid out on Jameson Plaza on the day where more people could donate towards the cause.
The committee would like to say a very special thank you to Kristi Edwardes and Rondine Carstens for their donations of wool, needles and time, Tess Cartmill for knitting extensively and sewing the blankets together, Shirley Rix, Rebecca Swartz, Genevieve Haupt and Tasneem Jaffer for their presence every day at the knitting circles and Nawaal Deane for the use of the old CILT studio space. We would also like to thank Jeff Jawitz and Cheryl Brown for their participation. Everybody’s time and effort was greatly appreciated.
We also received a donation of wool from 67 Blankets for us to start knitting for Mandela Day next year and the knitting circles will resume in the new year at least once a month.