Access restricted to UCT staff and students. This working document arose out of our grant-writing workshop. Contact Kate le Roux if you would like to add to it.
An online UCT calendar that allows you to sign up for postgraduate support events.
(Past events include: Research Data Management, Open Access, Negotiating Emotional and Psychological Barriers while writing a thesis, etc)
Online Presence
Tracking your Academic Footprint
Open Access
Guide to sharing content online: Rother, K. et al. (2014). Curation for participation: an eight-step guide to curating scholarly content.
Publication Count
Predatory Journals
Read the statement on predatory journals from the Office of Research Integrity, University of Cape Town
Research Data Management
DPMOnline: Developed to help you write Data Management Plans
FAQs about research data management (Access restricted to UCT staff and students. This working document was developed after our research data management workshop, held in July 2017. Contact Kate le Roux if you would like to add to it.)
Become part of the conversation around RDM on UCT's Slack Team
Create your own Data Management Plan on UCT Libraries' DMPonline service (Pick from a variety of funder-specific or generic (NRF) templates.)
Make use of the G-Suite for Education
Create your own profile on the UCT Open Science Framework
Research Funding and Funder Guidelines