Extra-Mural Studies launches Summer School 2018

Participants at Summer School 2018 (15—26 January) can look forward to learning about brilliant little-known books, Irish literature, Frank Lloyd Wright, Coleridge, Graham Greene, Emily Hobhouse, artists and madness, earthquakes, the hydrogen bomb, the interconnectedness of the Universe, what human-Neanderthal hybrids might have looked like, the history and prehistory of horses in Africa, decolonisation, schizophrenia, future scenarios for South Africa, Buddhism, state capture, falconry, a century’s thinking against race, gardens, Greek philosophy, gentrification, the royal visit of 1947 and much, much more.
Full course descriptions, registration forms and a downloadable pdf of the complete brochure can be found on the Summer School website.
Contact: Bronwyn Geldenhuys 021 650 2888