TLC2023: Student assessment methods must be built on values and principles

08 Jun 2022
TLC2023 Dr Jan McArthur
08 Jun 2022

To address the complexities of the real world, universities must shift from a fixation on marks or grade ratings to transformative student assessment modes that value the social contribution students can make because they have engaged with knowledge in higher education settings.

This message was the focus of Dr Jan McArthur’s virtual keynote address at the opening session of the University of Cape Town’s (UCT) 2023 Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC 2023) from 21 to 22 November. The annual conference was organised by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED) and held in the Neville Alexander Building. Vice-Chancellor interim Emeritus Professor Daya Reddy opened proceedings, followed by a panel discussion.

Disentangle, and then build

It is through holistic and authentic assessment that universities realise their students’ potential, said Dr McArthur. She is the head of the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom and co-researcher in the Centre for Global Higher Education, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, and Higher Education Funding Council for England. A widely published author on assessment, McArthur’s works include Assessment for Social Justice.