June 2017
Issue 01
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The latest news from the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED)
Dr Janice McMillan receives Distinguished Teacher Award

Dr McMillan was nominated for the award last year by UCT and University of Basel Professor Sophie Oldfield, who described her as “an inspired teacher who has made an immense contribution to pedagogy at UCT,” evident from the role she has played at UCT over the years. 

The Academic Development Programme (ADP) website is live.   Winter School 2017 is a brand new offering from the Centre for Extra-Mural Studies that will take place between 5 and 12 August.   Find out about "The Unbundled University", a joint UCT and University of Leeds research project.
Lecture recording upgrades

Recently, CILT and ICTS upgraded the lecture recording system to improve both the quality and delivery of the videos produced.


Teaching and Learning Conference 2017

We are pleased to announce the call for abstracts for the 2017 UCT Teaching and Learning Conference on 2 August 2017 with the theme of “Building Capacity for Change” which will represent the most contemporary experiences, insights and research by UCT staff about changes in teaching and learning.  Abstract submissions for this year’s UCT Teaching and Learning Conference (#TLC2017UCT) are now open until 2 June 2017. All UCT staff and students are welcome to attend #TLC2017UCT at a venue to be announced.  



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