Who we are
The Academic Development Programme (ADP) has its roots in the Academic Support Programme which during the 1980s facilitated access and offered academic and psychosocial support to students entering UCT despite repressive Apartheid legislation. An important belief underpinning the work of ADP through the decades has been that students experience difficulties at university not because they themselves are deficient, but because of major structural problems and inequalities that persist in South African educational systems and society at large.
ADP retains its focus on providing access to higher education and strengthening students’ chances of success. In particular, ADP:
- Works towards equity of access to and success for all UCT students
- Offers flexible pathways for student achievement
- Offer multilayer interventions that affect all levels and elements of teaching and learning to promote student success
Our preferred way of providing educational support is to work in close partnership with the faculties and to embed developmental materials and activities in credit-bearing courses and carefully constructed curricula. We also provide educational support to postgraduate students and collaborate with colleagues in other departments or faculties.
ADP has grown into a large academic department numbering 48 academics and 12 administrative staff members. Our academics come from a wide variety of academic disciplines and are in:
units that are based in and function from within the faculties (see Humanities EDU, Commerce EDU, Science ADP, Health Sciences EDU, Law ECP, Aspect (Engineering)
two central units that work across the faculties, providing language (see Language Development Group) and numerical support (see Numeracy Centre)
a central ADP office that coordinates the department’s activities across campus.

What we do
Our main aim is to support students to become academically successful and to feel socially supported at University, and we do this by working in several areas: