Assoc Prof Daniela Gachago
I am an academic staff developer in the Centre for Innvoation in Learning and Teaching. My current research focuses on academic staff development for designing blended and online learning in higher education, with a particular focus on developing socially just learning and curriculum designs based on co-creation and equity-oriented compassionate design principles. I am teaching on the PG Diploma in EdTech, the Masters in EdTech and convene the Masters in Higher Education Studies (HES) at UCT. I completed a Masters in Adult Education at the University of Botswana and received a PHD from the School of Education at the University of Cape Town. My PHD from the School of Education at UCT focused on the potential of digital storytelling as a post-conflict pedagogy to facilitate difficult conversations in the classroom. Much of my work around race and in particular decentreing whiteness originated from this research. I have supervised Masters and PHD students from CPUT, UWC and UCT.
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