Peace and justice:
Stories of yesterday, today and tomorrow
• Embracing diversity (political tolerance, cultural understanding, religion)
• Non-violence
• Envisioning peaceful futures
• Peace and social justice
• Women and peacebuilding
• Environmental justice
• Youth and education
National Writing Centre Creative Writing COMPETITION for university students 2024
DUT in partnership with Stellenbosch University, University of Cape Town and WITS invite you to submit your work to our national annual creative writing competition run through a network of South African writing centres. The theme of Peace and Justice is broad and we invite you to explore it through either writing a short story, a poem, an opinion piece/essay, or a multimedia exploration combining photography and text. Submissions may be in any of our official languages. Participants are encouraged to use language creatively as used in society. A short story or opinion piece/essay should be no longer than 3 000 words and a short poem not longer than one page (I.5 spacing, 12pt, Times Roman). Please forward your submissions to Ms Shahieda Kraft (thokom@dut.ac.za) not later than the 9th of September 2024
Winners will be announced on 18 OCTOBER 2024, at a ceremony (details to follow)
Winners may be invited to a writing retreat to revise and edit their submissions, with a view to creating an anthology.
To increase your chances of doing well consult with writing centre tutors at your respective university. Two free of charge workshops will be facilitated on 25 July and 6 August. The aim of the mentorship workshops is to give the competition participants an opportunity to hone their creative writing skills through working closely with seasoned writers.
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Opportunities | |
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