Board of Higher Education Development (CHED Board)  
Chair: Associate Professor Kasturi Behari-Leak  

Scope & Function  

The Board of Higher Education Development is accountable to Senate to the functions of the Centre for Higher Education Development;  

  • makes proposals to Senate for academic development within and across faculty boundaries;  
  • advises the Dean of Higher Education Development on policy and resource allocation in the Centre for Higher Education Development;  
  • carries out any other functions that Senate delegates or assigns to it;  
  • may by resolution establish committees of the Centre and may appoint as members of such committees any people whether they are members of the Board or not  

Servicing Officer  

Mrs Carmen Siljeur   

Dean’s Advisory Committee (DAC)  
Chair: Associate Professor Kasturi Behari-Leak  


  • To advise the Dean on strategic Faculty matters  

Scope & Function  

  • To shape/guide decisions to be made/taken by the Dean;  

  • To serve as an Executive Committee of the CHED Board with respect to matters delegated to it by the Board;   

  • To manage the agenda for plenary meetings of the CHED Board;   

  • To consider and make recommendations to the Board on matters affecting CHED policy, strategic and academic planning;   

  • To advise the Dean on the appointment of working groups and ad hoc sub-committees to deal with specific matters as required from time to time;  

  • To consider recommendations and reports from its working groups and task teams;  

  • To refer matters to other sub-committees of the Board for consideration; and   

To be responsive to immediate challenges in the university and beyond.  

Servicing Officer  

Mrs Carmen Siljeur    

Senate Language Policy Committee (LPC)  
Chair: Associate Professor Lolie Makhubu-Badenhorst  


  • To optimise all aspects of language development related to multilingualism at UCT, and to consider annual and medium to longer term plans and policies in this area for approval by Senate;  

  • To promote informed decisions about the shape, form and focus of programmes and activities designed to promote and achieve a multilingual environment at UCT.  

Scope & Function  

  • To develop and monitor overall policy on multilingualism for the university in the form of an institutional Language Plan to be approved by Senate  

  • To set targets annually, based on the Language Plan accepted by Senate  

  • To ensure that UCT’s academic policies and practices in relation to the provision of staff and student courses (relevant in terms of the aims of the Language Plan) are aligned with national policy as appropriate and relevant (e.g. as spelled out in the Skills Development Act, HEQC criteria and the Language Policy for Higher Education)  

  • To formulate policy proposals on the provision of Xhosa and/or Afrikaans courses for English first language speakers for consideration by Senate, and on language support for students for whom English is an additional language  

  • To provide informed decisions about the shape, form and focus of specific strategies which arise from these policies  

Servicing Officer   

Ms Ipelegeng Ntshwanti   

CHED Teaching & Learning Committee (CHED T&LC)  
Chair: Associate Professor Kasturi Behari-Leak  


  • To prioritise, develop, promote and implement strategies whereby CHED can both make recommendations and respond to requests from the Senate T&LC (as well as other Faculty T&L committees as appropriate) to promote and strengthen teaching and learning.  

  • To provide a forum for cross unit planning and strategising in relation to CHED’s engagement with teaching and learning.  

  • To facilitate engagement around new and existing initiatives related to teaching and learning  

Scope & Function  

  • To provide advice to the Senate T&L Comm on desired strategies to enhance teaching and learning  

  • To advise the Senate T&L Comm on staff development needs in relation to achieving teaching and learning goals and strategies  

  • To consult with the Senate Language Policy Committee (LPC) on optimization of all teaching and learning aspects of language development and multilingualism  

  • To liaise with all relevant committees to ensure synergy and consistency between the approaches of the various committees with respect to the continuum of teaching and learning and admissions requirements  

Servicing Officer  

Ms Lisa Cloete  

Faculty Research Committee (FRC)  
Chair: Dr Tabisa Mayisela 


  • To enhance and support research activities and output production by CHED researchers through making input to research-related policies and strategy documents (as recommendations to the Dean’s Advisory Board) and coordinating writing opportunities, CHED block grant and Publication Count.     

Scope & Function  

  • To support CHED researchers through coordinating writing retreats, circles, etc.  

  • To assess and approve criteria to guide the allocation of block grant awards.  

  • To call for and provide guidelines to assist with the submissions of block grant applications.  

  • To evaluate the applications and make block grant allocation decisions.  

  • To review research activity and recommend policies and strategies to the DAC.  

  • To coordinate publication, count of the CHED researchers.  

  • To consider other research issues as they arise.  

Servicing Officer   

Ms Ipelegeng Ntshwanti  

CHED Research Ethics Committee (REC)  
Chair: Ms Sanet Steyn   


  • To ensure the protection of human rights and the well-being of research participants based on ethical and integrity principles and norms, and compliance with the highest ethical standards in social and scientific research, including matters involving authorship and research misconduct, but excluding research involving animals.

Scope & Function  

  • In terms of the scope and function of the CHED REC, this committee is responsible for the review and approval of applications submitted by CHED Researchers and external applicants intending to conduct studies at UCT related to research in education in HE sector.

Servicing Officer   

Ms Ipelegeng Ntshwanti    

CHED Employment Equity Committee (EEC)  
Chair: Associate Professor Duncan Mhakure  


The purpose of the Employment Equity Committee will be to take responsibility for monitoring and reporting its unit’s progress towards achieving its annual targets and five-year goals for employment equity, both to the responsible Dean, Executive Director or Director, and also to the Employment Equity Forum. In turn, the Employment Equity Forum will report to Council via the University Human Resources Committee and to the Institutional Forum.  

Scope & Function  

  • Each unit’s Employment Equity Committee will be responsible for monitoring and reporting its unit’s progress towards achieving its annual targets and five-year goals for employment equity, both to the responsible Dean, Executive Director or Director, and also, to the Employment Equity Forum. In turn, the Employment Equity Forum will report to Council via the University Human Resources Committee and to the Institutional Forum.  
  • A member of each unit’s Employment Equity Committee will be elected to represent the unit on the University Employment Equity Forum, which advises the University Executive via the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Transformation. Employment Equity Committees will advise on the unit’s strategy for achieving its equitable scenario and its agreed employment equity goals and targets.  
  • Employment Equity Representatives’ service on the committee will be recorded in their performance agreements under the KPA for Transformation, Diversity and Inclusion for PASS and the promotion criteria applicable to Academic Staff. Line Managers for Employment Equity Representatives in Faculties and PASS departments will ensure that they have sufficient time available, as part of their recognized duties, to meet their obligations to appointment processes.  

Servicing Officer  

Ms Monica Gqoji  

CHED Transformation Committee (TC)  
Chair: Dr Clyde Felix  

Scope & Function  

The Transformation Committee’s function is to:

  • Participate and provide feedback to the senior leadership committee in the department or faculty. In faculties this will be the Dean’s Advisory Committee and in departments feedback should be provided to the department’s senior management committee.  
  • Provide feedback to the faculty and department stakeholders.  
  • Communicate the transformation committee’s role in the department/faculty.  
  • Facilitating transformation related conversations about inclusion; understanding decolonisation in their respective department/faculties.  
  • Introduce interventions that fosters and sustains respect for multiculturalism and inclusivity.  
  • Align transformation activities that support the Department/Faculty’s strategic goals as aligned with the UCT strategic plan, including an action plan with respect to transformation.  
  • Monitor progress of transformation against departmental or faculty indicators.  

Servicing Officer   

Ms Monica Gqoji    

CHED Physical Planning Committee (PPC)   
Chair: Ms Ilhaam Velloo  


Each PPC is responsible for:  

  • reporting on space allocation, space requests and curatorship of the built fabric allocated to the Faculty or Department to the Space Allocation Committee  

  • advising the Dean of the Faculty or the Executive Director of the Department on allocation of space resources (including refurbishment and funding)  

  • ensuring that the University and Faculty or Department achieve their objectives and goals in an integrated and holistic way.  

Scope & Function  

The PPC is the liaison between the Faculty or Department and the SAC, the PPC therefore:  

  • ensures that projects align with the University and the Faculty / Department’s strategic vision for infrastructural and space development  

  • ensures equitable, fair and transparent practices regarding space allocation and refurbishment across the Faculty / Department  

  • considers and makes recommendations regarding space allocation and space charges, including consideration of and recommendations in respect of departmental applications for new space or renewal of space  

  • considers and makes recommendations regarding projects applying for minor or major CAPEX in accordance with the prioritisation matrix:  

    1. Academic programme,  

    2. Occupational health and safety,  

    3. Asset integrity,  

    4. Space efficiency,  

    5. Aesthetic improvements,  

    6. Transformation 

  • advises on space matters related to Health and Safety  

  • may be requested to perform audits related to space allocation and utilization within the Faculty or Department to ensure in accordance with the space envelope allocated to the Faculty or Department by the SAC  

  • considers and makes recommendations for proposals to allow the use, whether by rental or otherwise, of space within the Faculty or Department’s space envelope to a third party  

  • maintains an accurate record of all the Faculty or Department’s space requests and not yet allocated space.  

Servicing Officer   


CHED Equipment Committee (EC)  
Chair: Mr Lubabalo Badi  


ToR under review  

Servicing Officer   

Ms Ilhaam Velloo  

CHED Health and Safety Committee   
Chair: Mrs Carmen Siljeur 


ToR under review  

Servicing Officer 

Mzi Mnyatheli

CHED Communications and Marketing 
Chair: Mrs Carmen Siljeur


ToR under review  

Servicing Officer