Masuku, B., Cox, G. & Willmers, M. (2025). Elevating Student Voice and Levelling Traditional Power Hierarchies Through Open Textbook Co-Creation: What Do Students Say? Social Sciences 14(1), 6.
Cox, G. & Masuku, B. (2024a). Student Co-Creation of Open Textbooks: Reflections on Power Dynamics and Building a Sense of Belonging in Higher Education. The Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Journal, 3(2), 1–15.
Cox, G., Willmers, M., Brown, R. & Held, M. (2024b). Learning Along the Way: A Case Study on a Pedagogically Innovative Approach to Engage Medical Students in the Creation of Open Educational Resources Using ChatGPT. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies 42(1): 21 pages.
Cox, G., Willmers, M. & Masuku B (2022a). Sustainable Open Textbook Models for Social Justice. Frontiers in Education. 7:881998. https://10.3389/feduc.2022.881998
Cox, G., Willmers, M. & Masuku, B. (2022b). Open Textbook Author Journeys: Internal Conversations and Cycles of Time. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 23(3), 134-152. https://10.19173/irrodl.v23i3.6136
Cox, G., Masuku, B., & Willmers, M. (2022c). Open Textbooks, Intuitive Pedagogy and Social Justice. In C.J. Ivory & A. Pashia (Eds.), Using Open Educational Resources to Promote Social Justice. ACRL Press.
Cox, G., Masuku, B. & Willmers, M. (2020). Open Textbooks and Social Justice: Open Educational Practices to Address Economic, Cultural and Political Injustice at the University of Cape Town. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020(1): 2, pp. 1–10. Available at:
'Journeys' case studies series
Masuku, B., Willmers, M., Trotter, H. & Cox, G. (2021). UCT Open Textbook Journeys. Digital Open Textbooks for Development and UCT Libraries.
Masuku, B., Willmers, M., Trotter, H. & Cox, G. (2021). Abimbola Windapo’s Open Textbook Journey. UCT Open Textbook Journeys Series: No. 1.
Masuku, B., Willmers, M., Trotter, H. & Cox, G. (2021). Cesarina Edmonds-Smith and Chris Barnetts’ Open Textbook Journey. UCT Open Textbook Journeys Series: No. 2.
Masuku, B., Willmers, M., Trotter, H. & Cox, G. (2021). Claire Blackman’s Open Textbook Journey. UCT Open Textbook Journeys Series: No. 3.
Masuku, B., Willmers, M., Trotter, H. & Cox, G. (2021). James Lappeman’s Open Textbook Journey. UCT Open Textbook Journeys Series: No. 4.
Masuku, B., Willmers, M., Trotter, H. & Cox, G. (2021). Jonathan Shock’s Open Textbook Journey. UCT Open Textbook Journeys Series: No. 5.
Masuku, B., Willmers, M., Trotter, H. & Cox, G. (2021). Juan Klopper’s Open Textbook Journey. UCT Open Textbook Journeys Series: No. 6.
Masuku, B., Willmers, M., Cox, G. & Trotter, H. (2021). Kensleyrao Apajee’s Open Textbook Journey. UCT Open Textbook Journeys Series: No. 7.
Masuku, B., Willmers, M., Trotter, H. & Cox, G. (2021). Maria Keet’s Open Textbook Journey. UCT Open Textbook Journeys Series: No. 8.
Masuku, B., Willmers, M., Trotter, H. & Cox, G. (2021). Michael Held's Open Textbook Journey. UCT Open Textbook Journeys Series: No. 9.
Masuku, B., Willmers, M., Trotter, H. & Cox, G. (2021). Stella Papanicolaou’s Open Textbook Journey. UCT Open Textbook Journeys Series: No. 10.
Masuku, B., Willmers, M., Trotter, H. & Cox, G. (2021). Tim Low’s Open Textbook Journey. UCT Open Textbook Journeys Series: No. 11.
Reports and briefs
Digital Open Textbooks for Development. (2025). The future of open education for social justice in South African higher education: Report on the June 2024 UNESCO Chairs symposium. Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching, University of Cape Town.
Masuku, B. (2021). Open Textbook Landscape Survey: University of Cape Town. Cape Town: Digital Open Textbooks for Development.
Willmers, M., Cox, G. & Masuku, B. (2021). Open Textbooks in South African Higher Education: Call to Action 2021. Cape Town: Digital Open Textbooks for Development.
Research instruments
Cox, G., Masuku, B. & Willmers, M. (2021). Digital Open Textbooks for Development Background, Technology Fluency and Personal Reflection Survey. Cape Town: Digital Open Textbooks for Development.
Cox, G., Masuku, B. & Willmers, M. (2021). Digital Open Textbooks for Development Case Study Interview Schedule: Interview 1 of 2. Cape Town: Digital Open Textbooks for Development.
Cox, G., Masuku, B. & Willmers, M. (2021). Digital Open Textbooks for Development Case Study Interview Schedule: Interview 2 of 2. Cape Town: Digital Open Textbooks for Development.
- Open Education Global, Brisbane, Australia: The future of open education in higher education in South Africa (November 2024)
- UCT Teaching and Learning Conference: Open textbooks and the empowerment of students as partners in curriculum change (November 2024)
- UCT Emerging Researchers Programme: Publishing an academic book (November 2024)
- OpenEd Conference, virtual: Student partnerships in open education addressing power dynamics and belonging in STEM teaching (October 2024)
- UCT Higher Education Studies course: Open textbooks as educational technology (February 2024)
- CILT Brown Bag: Use of ChatGPT for student co-creation of open textbooks (February 2024)
- Worcester Polytechnic Institution: Open education and social justice: Collaboration and student co-creation at the University of Cape Town (January 2023)
- Open Education Week 2023: Digital open textbooks for social justice: Collaboration and student co-creation (March 2023)
- Siyaphumelela UCT: Siyaphumelela Open Education Resources Workstream 2023 (March 2023)
- African Digital University Network: The role of Open Education: Addressing social justice through collaboration and student co-creation (April 2023)
- Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano: Open educational resource development at UCT: lessons to carry forward (May 2023)
- Future of Open Education: Open education and social justice: Future imperatives (May 2023)
- Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Conference (OTESSA): Student co-creation of open textbooks for social justice and belonging (May 2023)
- Masters in Educational Technology: Why Open Education Matters in Higher Education? (May 2023)
- Association of Commonwealth Universities Summer School: Global Learning and Social Justice (July 2023)
- European Network of Open Education Librarians: Open Textbook Journeys: Lessons learnt at the University of Cape Town (November 2022)
- UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme: Open education for social justice: Students as partners in transdisciplinary research (November 2022)
- UCT Teaching and Learning Conference: Collaborative open textbook creation: Perspectives on student involvement (November 2022)
- Open Ed Conference 2022: Decolonising learning in the Global South: Opportunities and challenges in higher education (October 2022)
- Open Ed Conference 2022: Collaborative open textbook creation: Perspectives on student involvement (October 2022)
- South Africa Sweden University Forum Goes Digital: Sustainable, collaborative models of open textbook production for social justice and student co-creation: Open textbooks at the University of Cape Town (September 2022)
- Siyaphumelela Workshop 1: Open Textbooks for Curriculum Change and Student Co-Creation: Introduction to open textbooks for social justice (August 2022)
- Siyaphumelela Workshop 2: Open Textbooks for Curriculum Change and Student Co-Creation: Collaborative models of open textbook production and student co-creation (September 2022)
- Centre for Higher Education in Development Seminar Series: Open textbook authorship, quality assurance and publishing: Social justice models of participatory design, engagement, co-creation and partnership (June 2022) >>> Watch the recording
- Siyaphumelela Conference 2022: Digital Open Textbooks for Development: Collaborative, sustainable models for transformation and student involvement (June 2022)
- OE Global 2022: Open textbook authorship, quality assurance and publishing: Social justice models of participatory design, engagement, co-creation and partnership (May 2022) >>> Watch the recording
- Nelson Mandela University ‘Open Textbook Fellowship’ Community Conversation: ‘Roadmap’ for open textbook development (May 2022)
- Open Education Week 2022: Inclusivity, collaboration and student co-creation: Open textbook production models for social justice" (2022)
- OTSAHE Roundtable Event: “Open Textbooks in South African Higher Education” (2021)
- CILT Brown Bag presentation: “Open Textbooks, Intuitive Pedagogy and Social Justice” (2021)
- UCT Emerging Research Programme: “Publishing an Academic Book” (2021)
- “UCT Open Textbook Conversation event: Part 2” (2020)
- Nelson Mandela University OpenEdColloquium20: “Open textbooks: Towards a Sustainable Model for South African Universities” (2020)
- OE Global 2020: “Participatory Pedagogy and Open Textbook Publishing Journeys: Emerging Models at the University of Cape Town” (2020)
- Open Ed 2019: "Open textbook case studies: Social justice, agency, and intersectionality"
- OER19: "Digital Open Textbooks for Development" (2019)
- “UCT Open Textbook Conversation event: Part 1” (2019)
- Apereo Africa: “Digital Open Textbooks for Development” (2019)
- Open Ed 2018: “A proposed social justice and intersectionality model for open education research: The ROER4D and DOT4D initiatives” (2018)
- UCT Teaching and Learning Conference: “Digital Open Textbooks for Development: Broadening access and supporting curriculum transformation at UCT” (2018)