Exploring the philosophy of open: Participation in UP Open Access seminar series

DOT4D Principal Investigator Dr Glenda Cox was recently invited to present on “The philosophy of open” in the University of Pretoria (UP) Open Access seminar series. The presentation focused largely on affordances of the open movement and the potential of open educational resources (OER) to assist in addressing current challenges related to curriculum transformation, localisation and cost reduction.
Dr Cox highlighted the fact that the full transformational value proposition of OER is manifest in the practices that accompany them, rather than the resources themselves, particularly when adopting a collaborative approach to generating knowledge and sharing resources.
Dr Cox cited data showing the current estimated average cost of textbooks at the University of Cape Town (UCT) as R7 000 per semester. Against this backdrop, she provided an overview of current open textbook publishing activities at UCT which are aimed at reducing the cost burden to students and the role DOT4D aims to play in supporting further open textbook development.
The presentation also provided detail on the DOT4D research approach, in which the conceptual framework draws upon Nancy Fraser’s theorising on social justice and Margaret Archer’s conceptualisation of agency.
Dr Cox’s presentation forms part of DOT4D advocacy activity, which is aimed at promoting greater exchange and collaboration between South African higher education institutions on issues related to open education policy development and implementation.
Access the slides from Dr Cox’s UP presentation.
Read the UP news item on the event.